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IDTopicAuthorLast updated date RepliesViews
"-------... It is a strange name." "Name of the Zuni rain god. Seemed like every time I showed up in their country it rained, so they called me that f
dseanmatApr-20-20 08:49 PM
by dseanmat
40 Guns
Has anyone seen this movie? It's written and directed by Samuel Fuller, who I think was a much better director than he was a writer. It was consistent
dseanmatApr-20-20 05:58 PM
by dseanmat
Audie Murphy movies
Anybody enjoying all these Audie Murphy movies as much as I am? They are on ion channel. I never did watch AM's movies too much before, but he was a p
Tennessee DaveApr-17-20 01:38 PM
by mesadelvadre8
Working at Fort Detrick after returning from Nam back in the 1960s was a unique experience...long story, so hold on tight. Big building in a secluded
Mike ShafferApr-08-20 06:45 AM
by epeterd
Do you have a favorite 'setting' ?
Hi All, Was talking with a friend the other day and got around to sharing my lifelong experience reading Lamour's westerns. In the course of that con
milkbanditApr-08-20 06:43 AM
by epeterd
Clean mountain air
I was just thinking the other day that with coronavirus around it would be nice to have a place to bug out to. I remembered how LL mentioned in severa
epeterdApr-08-20 04:15 AM
by Rifleman
Beau and Angelique are welcome to t
Who is the most interesting celebrity you ever met. And was it their accomplishments or charisma. I hope Beau and Angelique will join. They should hav
Tennessee DaveApr-08-20 02:36 AM
by Tennessee Dave
Met an old gal once...
She was a former college history professor. To say she was good looking is doing her a disservice. She was a bit of an adventurist at 5’9” tall, bu
Mike ShafferApr-05-20 02:00 PM
by Mike Shaffer
Arkansas Toothpick
Hey buddy are you still visiting? Need to check something out before I come your way next year. Les Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or
Les Down UnderApr-04-20 05:41 PM
by Tennessee Dave
Hey everyone
Is the forum staying unusually quiet or are my pages hung up?
Tennessee DaveMar-23-20 01:26 AM
by Les Down Under
Regarding Character Named Neisha
I was named after a character in one of Louis L'Amour's novels. My mother kept the book for years, but she has passed away and I cannot find the book
NeishaMar-14-20 06:51 PM
by Les Down Under
Christchurch new Zealand
Lee, just saw a travel special about Christchurch. There was some very interesting stuff there to see. There was a restaurant that serves food in pneu
Tennessee DaveMar-06-20 10:08 PM
by Tennessee Dave
Live at the Ryman
Country music: Live at the Ryman Been watching this Ken Burns special with the best singers today. Right now it's Holly Williams, Hank's granddaughter
Tennessee DaveMar-04-20 05:31 AM
by Mike Shaffer
When and Where?
I just completed reading "Meeting at Falmouth" again and it's unexpected ending. I was wondering when and where it was first published?
CougarSFC90Mar-01-20 12:53 AM
by Les Down Under
Welcome Back!
Guess technically this is kinda like giving yourself a nickname; you're not really supposed to do it. But I have decided to welcome myself back to the
epeterdFeb-26-20 04:26 AM
by epeterd
Cover Art
Please HELP! I recently inherited an oil painting painted by John Leone. I know that the art was on the cover of one of Louis L’Amour’s books. It is o
Harry daddyFeb-19-20 12:33 PM
by mesadelvadre8
I am getting into my planning for my trip up your way mid year. (Doing a U shaped loop DC to LA and my travel agent has just planted a seed to be cons
Les Down UnderFeb-16-20 06:33 PM
by Les Down Under
Yo, Les
Les, I sent you my email, twice, in a private message. Did you get it?
Tennessee DaveFeb-14-20 11:55 PM
by Les Down Under
From memory the Sacketts came out of the fens. So, are they descended from the Iceni? And if so, are they then descended from Bouadicea? If so, tha
Mike ShafferFeb-08-20 02:32 PM
by Mike Shaffer
Podcast with Beau.
http://oldwestpodcas t.libsyn.com/beau-la mour-interview-louis -lamours-lost-treasu res?fbclid=IwAR00V47 N3gEN3vmjL6c2pBFudTG -O3c2NZz4yYiJAP7nyYY Bh4Xc_dP3s
Les Down UnderFeb-06-20 04:14 PM
by milkbandit
Had to smile at a picture of Louis this evening. He had a walking stick he’d picked up, most likely along the way, and his dungarees/jeans caught my
Mike ShafferFeb-06-20 03:30 PM
by milkbandit
'Old TV Westerns'
Been a follower of numerous TV westerns that are showing on the Encore channel. I like Cheyenne, Lawman, Wanted, Dead or alive, The Virginian (esp
mesadelvadre8Feb-06-20 03:29 PM
by milkbandit
The Big Country
Howdy, campfire friends! I hope everyone is well. A bunch of friends and I just watched the stunning movie The Big Country from 1958. We all loved it
dseanmatFeb-04-20 09:43 PM
by mesadelvadre8
Hey Beau
Saw a picture of your Dad today and noticed a tattoo on his right forearm. Can you share what it was? I have one of my unit Insignia from Nam on my
Mike ShafferJan-28-20 09:08 AM
by Mike Shaffer
Congrats to Jennings
Ken Jennings, the greatest Jeopardy player of all time!!! CONGRATULATI ONS!!!
Tennessee DaveJan-15-20 01:05 PM
by Tennessee Dave
Aussie wildfires
I just saw where over 1 BILLION animals have perished in the wildfires of Australia. So very sad.
Tennessee DaveJan-13-20 03:30 PM
by mesadelvadre8
Reading the New/Old books
I started off with Bendigo Shafter, as it had been on my mind recently, as I make the leatherette LL's my own. A book is not really mine until I have
FalconJan-11-20 09:30 PM
by Falcon
Titles with Logan Sackett
Which books have Logan Sackett in it?
chilipepperkidJan-11-20 12:22 AM
by chilipepperkid
After losing a good friend, former Marine sniper, Viet Nam veteran, reader, single malt scotch enthusiast, and debater over the past week, I decided n
Mike ShafferJan-08-20 06:53 AM
by Tennessee Dave
Help me out here with "Reilly's Lu
I've been trying to cast the character Will Reilly but I can't get it right. The character would have to be very personable, and of course at the sam
Tennessee DaveJan-04-20 12:30 PM
by mesadelvadre8
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