Many have different opinions on the so called virus, mostly it has lots of folks in fear and that is most helpful to the "controllers" who know that is is easier to control people in fear. Look at the maps and there is little virus in China, where it all began. Yet India, Europe, the USA have lots of cases. Well we are told we have case of viruses, and the govt officials use that the make people stay at home and some lose their hard earned businesses and even their homes. Keep them compliant and in fear. Yes if you have any number of illnesses ,heart issues, diabetes, cancer, obesity and many others the virus mat have serious consequences. On the CDC's own site , I believe it was over a month back the CDC stated that the chance of dying from the virus was about .01 % or in other words 99.9% chance of surviving the virus. The "official" stats at the time if I recall was about 100,000 US deaths, but only 9,000 were actual covid deaths. THat number is not even a high amount for a normal flu season. Yup the flu/cold also causes folks to die. That is especially true as with the covid if you are afflicted with the previous mentioned illnesses, heart, cancer etc. Oh and also, if you do find the covid world map you might look around the world and see the so called hotspots and those that are not as with China and for some odd reason the continent of Africa, where approx 1.3 billion people reside and have lots of case of malaria, but not a whole lot of covid case nor deaths. They also use the HCQ for malaria, could that be a good reason for fewer covid related deaths, it actually works. Additionally in Sweden, where there was no lockdowns, nor masks......and few cases of covid virus. Why is it Bill Gates wants to be involved in the virus vaccine, his vaccine for polio in India caused approx 450,000 people to be paralyzed. His program was asked to leave. His vaccines did not do to well in Africa also and was asked to leave. But where do the scientists get the aborted fetuses that are used to create the covid vaccine. Look it up. No vaccine for me please, I already had the covid, it was like a bad cold/flu. Of course the so called experts say the the virus is mutating, which is what all the viruses do. Lockdowns and riots in Italy, France, England, Germany, folks have gotten tired of being told what they can't do on a daily basis and ot being able to visit loved ones..have a good one.