Beau, I'm a BIG fan of the film. It really captured LL adventure in spirit and has aged really well in these last 20-odd years. It's a reminder of a time long gone now of made-for-cable movies like this and CONAGHER, Tom's Selleck's westerns (LL and otherwise) and a very good version of RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE...and more.
It had a great cast with Billy Zane a perfect stalwart LL here-type. Any fun anecdotes you can offer about the film, being pretty involved in production?
#1. "RE: Beau- DIAMOND OF JERU film" In response to Reply # 0
Check out the "Additional Websites link above as this has the Diamond of Jeru site link with loads of the type of information you are seeking. Les The English Language is weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought though.
#2. "RE: Beau- DIAMOND OF JERU film" In response to Reply # 0
Sorry to be MIA. I've been pretty busy of late. Glad you liked TDOJ. Les is right the website has a lot of great details about making the Film and also the Audio. If you had specific questions about anything there I'd be glad to elaborate ... I'll try to check back in more regularly! BL