Anyone know which book has a reference to and a footnote about English seamen who were put ashore due to low supplies on the ship near New Orleans (I think)? Some of these men traveled by foot up to the early New England settlements, some went to the French port and were captured and put in prison or made to serve on French ships.
I can’t find this reference now, although in the past I have and researched this event more and it was very interesting what happened to these various sailors.
I am almost certain it is not Jubal Sackett or To The Far Blue Mountains, as I have looked through these books multiple times and many people comment that these are the books it is in.
#2. "RE: Footnote & Reference - In whi" In response to Reply # 1
Those would be my first two guesses as well. But, I think it might be possible that it could have been a passing reference in a few others although I don't recall such a reference. Treasure Mountain might be a possibility because part of it takes place in the New Orleans area. Rivers West and Ride the River might be longshots. And, Lando might be another longshot. Might have been some possible references in non-Sackett stories like Matagorda or The First Fast Draw. Of these two, I would look at the TFFD first because it takes place in Louisiana. But, speaking honestly, I don't recall this reference.