I haven't read this one in a while and it happens to be one of my favorites. I like the story generally, it having the chantry family making a prominent appearance and we're not disappointed. But one of my favorite parts of the book is the ending where these other very dangerous Sackets enter into it. We all know how the Sackets react when one of their own is in trouble. And away I go!☺
Tennessee Dave
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God" Author unknown
You have aroused my curiosity, what a good read, I only wish we would have heard more from Echo and Mordecai, Flagan, Regal and maybe one more... Another one that would have made a good movie. Wish we would have had more from this ensemble group of characters....
The Sackett Companion is such a wonderful piece of work...From the glossary to the introduction and the story it tells is awe inspiring. For those of you who don't have this companion, your missing out on the history of the Sackett's. I had forgot most of the story, since I probably haven't read 'Ride The River' in a couple of years. Its on my list to read after 'Last Stand At Papago Wells'. Incidentally, I found more characters in 'Ride The River' and would have to read it again to refresh my memory.... Here they are; Ethan Macon Mawney Mordecai Nata Regal Trulove Yance Stardust
That's what made him so good...I could actually hear that cry...Louis could describe a rock laden with moss & lichen and you'd know what it looked like...So many stories and characters you wanted to go on and on, continuing onto other stories... LL needed another 100 years to finish his work. I wonder if there is any civil war film where they execute the rebel yell? Seems like the major in 'The Shadow Riders' tried to describe it.... But you are right TD, can you imagine the creeps it would give to a pursuer in the woods? I guess I have to give 'Ride The River' my sixth read... I googled the Rebel Yell and found a wonderful website on the Rebel Yell....When they stormed Maryland, a thousands confederates screamed the yell, and if this is what it sounded like, it would scare the hell out of the opposing side? Sound engineers took actual recordings of different soldiers and put them all together to sound like a thousand soldiers and it would scare the hell outta' ya'.....
There was a documentary on Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg during a reunion and I am sure that the Southern veterans performed it then. I'll check my documentary DVDs.
Les Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in a swimming pool?
Les The English Language is weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought though.
There is a song; a confederate song called 'The Irish Brigade' Will give you the creeps..... Beautiful war illustrations throughout the song.. I love history, and although a dark time, a very violent time, its still history and shouldn't be ignored...