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Top The Louis L'Amour Corrections, Errors, Typos, etc... topic #97
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Subject: "How the West was Won" Previous topic | Next topic
Les Down UnderTue Jan-03-17 12:03 AM
Member since Jan 02nd 2011
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"How the West was Won"


Typo on page 150 (Leatherette edition) last pages of The War Section.
Zeb has just arrived home and is discussing going west with Jeremiah.
Zeb grinned, in spite of the lump in his throat. "I guess I got to see the varmint, Jeremiah"
"You'll be fighting Indians, like pa did. Do you like fighting Jeremiah?" This should read "Do you like fighting Zeb" It is Jeremiah replying to Zeb and Zeb is the one going west to to continue his army career.

I am not going to get technical but chemistry says that alcohol is a solution.

The English Language is weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought though.



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