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Top The Louis L'Amour Corrections, Errors, Typos, etc...
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The Lonesome Gods
Leatherette Edition. Pages 56 and 57 the wagon that the Vernes and others are traveling in is referred to as a STAGE. 3rd Para " Stay by the stage son
Les Down UnderAug-01-19 11:30 PM
by Les Down Under
The Lonesome Gods
Leatherette Edition Editing / continuity. Page 248 second line after the break in text reads "Miss Nesselrode was crocheting when I entered" 6 paragr
Les Down UnderAug-02-19 10:59 PM
by Les Down Under
Edit the Walking Drum continuity in
Leatherette edition. On page 180 Chapt 25 3rd Para reads " Four women accompanied them, and there were sixty two men. at the end of the chapter Page 1
Les Down UnderAug-06-19 01:41 AM
by Les Down Under
The Walking Drum Typo.
Leatherette Edition page 355 opening sentence reads " The devout MOSKM will pray five times" Should be Muslim. Les Isn't making a smoking section
Les Down UnderAug-07-19 02:34 AM
by Les Down Under
Ride the River Typo
Leatherette Edition. Page 93 third Para opens "We ate our Brakfast then, not talking much". S/Be Breakfast. Les Isn't making a smoking section in
Les Down UnderSep-29-19 11:17 PM
by Les Down Under
Lonigan The Fine Art of Rustling
Leatherette edition (page 1)Duplication needs to be removed. Third para reads (My emphasis) "Sleepering cattle was another device. During the round u
Les Down UnderOct-12-19 02:29 AM
by Les Down Under
Reilly's Luck Time shifting crewman
From LT edition. On page 149 second paragraph opening reluctantly they cast off leaving Paddy Lahey aboard. The on page 151 7th paragraph( including
Les Down UnderDec-11-19 01:07 AM
by Les Down Under
To Tame A Land
paperback page 125 Rye is running his fingers through Old Blue's mane "Slowly, knowing it was be feel, I parted the long hairs of the man and look
UnknownSackettDec-11-19 07:54 PM
by UnknownSackett
Kid Rodelo
Kid Rodelo Leatherette edition page 44 "He'll kill you, Dan" she (Nora) said.. She studied him, "Have you ever used a gun - like that Dan?" BUT o
UnknownSackettDec-29-19 02:10 AM
by UnknownSackett
The Shadow Riders
Issue starts at pages 125/6 (Leatherette Edition) Chapter 16. Page 125 Last sentence "She felt the horse shudder as he took the bullet but a she sta
Les Down UnderMay-15-20 02:09 AM
by Les Down Under
Correction to SITKA
Leo Lessard - SITKA: Page 195, Top Down Line 13, word 3 = "tothe" vice "to the". This was found in the 1986 hardcover volume.
cowboybilliardsNov-08-20 10:24 PM
by cowboybilliards
Ride the Dark Trail
What I consider an error on page 43 (Leatherette) second last line of Chapter five when Logan enters Browns hole. It opens "I was hunting trouble" my
Les Down UnderMar-24-21 01:09 AM
by cowboybilliards
Something I noticed at the end of Chapter 14. There is a paragraph that starts out "Tom Healy was wonderful." In the next to last sentence in the pa
john555Apr-18-21 06:23 PM
by cowboybilliards
Mixed up words
I'm reading Passin' Through,the Lost Treasures edition. I found what seems to be a case of getting something backwards. It's when he's hiding out unde
epeterdAug-03-21 08:43 AM
by epeterd
Sackett's Land.
A possible editorial error. From Leatherette edition. page 43 second last paragraph reads "who says the King of Spain will soon send a great fleet aga
Les Down UnderAug-17-21 11:52 PM
by Les Down Under
Looking at "the best reading order" on this site, I think "Booty for a Badman" is out of order. I think it should actually precede "The Courting of G
john555Oct-01-21 05:14 PM
by john555
Chantry Talon Kilkenny Reading Orde
What Paul says is the Kilkenny order is incorrect. #1 - The Rider of Lost Creek #2 - The Mountain Valley War #3 - Kilkenny In the first #1, he meets
cowboybilliardsMay-29-22 12:27 AM
by john555
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