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IDTopic AuthorLast updated dateRepliesViews
Alert - Fair Blows the Wind
Does anybody know where the mention in FAIR BOLWS THE WIND of the wrecked ship appears? This is the wreck that also shows up in Sackett's Land, the o
blamourOct-04-24 10:37 PM
by Mustang Roberts
A question
Is anyone wearing protective gear against the Caronavirus? I keep my mask and gloves in my truck, especially for when I go to Wal-Mart, being in my si
Tennessee DaveSep-24-20 08:08 PM
by john555
A little slow on the forum, no comm
Reading 'Westward the Tide' for my fourth read and enjoying the tales of L'Amour and his adventurous writing. On another note, just fi
Sackettter8Jan-22-24 04:21 PM
by milkbandit
40 Guns
Has anyone seen this movie? It's written and directed by Samuel Fuller, who I think was a much better director than he was a writer. It was consistent
dseanmatApr-20-20 05:58 PM
by dseanmat
'WESTWARD the TIDE' Matt Bardoul was a good man to have as a friend and
Sackettter8Jan-23-24 05:49 PM
by Sackettter8
'Short Story'
Does anyone on the forum know of a short story called; 'Dead Ringer'? Possibly a short version of 'Riders of the lost creek' ???
mesadelvadre8Nov-02-19 03:52 PM
by mesadelvadre8
'Prayers For New Zealand'
mesadelvadre8Dec-31-19 09:13 PM
by Les Down Under
'Old TV Westerns'
Been a follower of numerous TV westerns that are showing on the Encore channel. I like Cheyenne, Lawman, Wanted, Dead or alive, The Virginian (esp
mesadelvadre8Feb-06-20 03:29 PM
by milkbandit
'New Hard Covers'
Just curious if you are going to get any new hard covers in? They have been sold out for quite awhile?.....Getting terribly hard to find anymore
mesadelvadre8Sep-13-19 11:48 PM
by Tennessee Dave
'Louis L'Amour'
Was at a local restraint, finishing my meal with a piece of pumpkin pie and a cup of black coffee... As I glared into my coffee cup, I thoug
mesadelvadre8Nov-03-19 04:43 PM
by Tennessee Dave
'Louis L'Amour in a foreign languag
Belong to a fan club which constantly has illustrated covers in another language... Mostly Finnish and a few others... Does the trading post
mesadelvadre8Dec-22-19 04:57 PM
by Paul
'A Quiet Place'.
Seems to be seemingly quiet on the forum. Need a spark or friendly conversation.......
mesadelvadre8Jun-13-20 08:36 PM
by mesadelvadre8
'A Quiet Place'
Some members haven't been heard from for awhile now . Hope All Is Well? We're missing you,,,, Tennessee, Arkansas, Phyliss and DocKaty….
mesadelvadre8Aug-25-19 02:28 AM
by mexbearlll
"Special " LL books
My mother told me yesterday that she came across a LL book that I gave her many years ago. It was 'Galloway'. I spoken about my mother putting her ini
Tennessee DaveDec-28-19 02:48 AM
by Falcon
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