Started reading Tucker again and I just noticed something, LL wrote about normal happenings of a person's life and mental workings. For example, on the second page of paragraph 1 Tucker, our protagonist, had the thought, 'Well, I'd always told myself I could make as big tracks as any man, but now I was faced up with it and had no idea what to do.' I have felt that way myself, especially when I was a youngster and that really struck a note of a remembered feeling. And I'll just bet at some time or other many of you bunch here have known that feeling before. And THAT is one of the reasons I've enjoyed LL'S writing. I just never actually noticed the connection before, at least not that clearly. As I said, just a comment. I may make others before I finish Tucker because I've a feeling I'll notice more.
Tennessee Dave
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God" Author unknown
Beau has often said that when a character starts to voice their thoughts like this, it is quite often Louis voicing his own thoughts when pondering what comes next.
Les Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in a swimming pool?
Les The English Language is weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought though.
Interesting, Les. My Grandfather was like that. If he didn't know something he'd tell you he didn't know and not try and bluff out an answer of knowledge.
Tennessee Dave
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God" Author unknown
#6. "RE: Comments on "Tucker"" In response to Reply # 0
Interesting. The thing that is difficult for me is finding the right tone. Speaking in my own voice is much different, or was when I was younger, than writing in my own voice. My voice was high pitched, so even nasty had to be emphasized differently than someone with a lower tone. When working radio in the Army my voice and annunciation was entirely different than my normal speaking voice. My father in-law had a very bass tone that would make you shudder at good morning, and he was a great and gentle guy...mostly. Having to identify yourself as GORY STRIDER 28 and sounding like an operatic soprano just didn’t work, so I had to change my speaking voice to something a little deeper and more clear...especially since most of the time I was the net control operator.
"We don't have any law here. Just a graveyard." LL from TREASURE MOUNTAIN
#7. "RE: Comments on "Tucker"" In response to Reply # 6
Speaking of writing in a certain voice, are any of you ever able to take on the different personalities of characters in a novel and keep them separate without a problem? I mean can you move right along with your story without difficulty? I realize that we have lost many of our writers, that some have not only moved on but died also, but it's worth a try to ask. Even Beau and Angelique are welcome to add their understanding of this area, if they would be so kind.
Tennessee Dave
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God" Author unknown
#8. "RE: Comments on "Tucker"" In response to Reply # 7
It isn’t much of a problem reading, but listening to audio stories I get really confused. It was so bad on one that I was confused a minute in, and there were actually different actors doing each character. I gave up on audio stories after that. And I am really happy I didn’t grow up listening to those old radio would have driven me coocoo...or more coocoo. Maybe growing up watching TV really messed with my imagination. My imaginary friends disagree with that assessment, but what do they know?
"We don't have any law here. Just a graveyard." LL from TREASURE MOUNTAIN
#9. "RE: Comments on "Tucker"" In response to Reply # 0
Funny but reading Tucker, LL mentioned Leadville had a part of town called Little Chicago. In my part of the country there are several towns that have referred to themselves as such. In my town it was known as a frequent stopping off place for certain Chicago gangsters as Hwy 51 was in route to Florida. But I'd also heard that they were warned not to cause any trouble because these local law would bury them right quick. Funny stories, as I said. 😊
Tennessee Dave
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God" Author unknown