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Forum nameLouis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic subjectRE: Quote from my second grade teac
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739, RE: Quote from my second grade teac
Posted by Hal Hall, Fri Jun-12-20 12:49 AM
I lived across the street from the high school history teacher. When I entered high school, he took me into his storage house in the yard, where he had years of magazines: Life, Look, Reader's Digest and more, all stacked in order. When he showed me where the World War II coverage started, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. My Mom go to the point she would not call me for meals - she knew I was deep in some battle in the war - so she would come to the door to get me.

It was an education in itself. I read through almost all the magazines from the Great Depression through the Korean War. The disadvantage - when I was in his class, he expected me to know all the war details.