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Forum nameLouis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic subjectRE: Shooting as you point your fing
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649, RE: Shooting as you point your fing
Posted by Mike Shaffer, Mon May-18-20 02:24 AM
Yup. It seems life loves practical jokes. I spent the day with my son and his wife, who is a brilliant statistician and a former model...and their dogs. They have two Korean Jindo and we’re not sure if the third one is a real dog, but she is cute. Jindo are a Korean breed and almost catlike at about 45 pounds. One is very sweet and friendly, while the other doesn’t trust his own shadow, but is not aggressive. When I got back home there was an email note from my ex-wife wishing me well and my current lady who lives 800 miles away, who I hope to see again as soon as this pandemic dissipates. It sure is a strange time to live through. I can’t help but think back to the families who moved west After the War between the states, never knowing if they would ever again see or hear from or about family left behind.