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Forum nameLouis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic subjectShooting as you point your finger
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632, Shooting as you point your finger
Posted by epeterd, Wed Apr-22-20 12:21 AM
I was wondering earlier which gun company had moved into Huntsville, AL a few years ago. So I googled it and was reading an article about it. (It was Remington.) Anyway, the article mentioned a small .380 that they're manufacturing down there. Anyway, the article talked about how hard it can be to shoot.

The RM380, according to Larry Barnett, is best handled by holding it in the middle of your body, centering it, and aiming where you point your nose. The sights are minimal. This is not the gun for sharp-shooting.

The aim it where you point your nose thing made me think of the way LL talked about shooting a gun the way you point your finger.
