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Forum nameLouis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic subjectRE: Beau and Angelique are welcome
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561, RE: Beau and Angelique are welcome
Posted by Mike Shaffer, Sun Mar-29-20 02:03 PM
Got another story...somebody ring the bell.

At an EM Club in Nam. A band and stripper from the Philippines. A buddy from L.A. named Mike Simpson was enticed up on stage with the stripper. A couple of other guys had danced with her and she teased them but they didn’t bump her when the opportunity arose, Mike a standing ovation. The stripper joked back by wagging her finger at him. One of the guys at the table said something about Mike not being aroused and Mike responded, “Get real.” I looked for Mike for decades and finally found him in Phoenix, of all places, about a month after he’d died. Mike was the third Army buddy I had located and all had died just before I located them. I stopped looking.