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Forum nameLouis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic subjectRE: A question
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547, RE: A question
Posted by Phyllis, Thu Mar-26-20 10:51 AM
Hi cowboys, yep still here, still kickin.. nope, no protective gear here except common sense.. only a couple cases in the whole county and none in my town, but then again, most everyone is doing what they're asked by city officials. It's not so hard for me as I hate being out in the cold damp weather in the winter anyway, but the other day it hit 63 so it was wonderful just getting outside with the doggies for a nice long walk. Naturally all my travel plans with my Greyhound group has been cancelled, bummer.. My grandson signed us up for all the bells and whistles for movies on comcast, which is great, but find myself graduating back to my reading.. it's my lifeblood.. the hubby goes into town about once a week just to check things out and will maybe hit the grocery store if we need anything
So everybody out there stay safe and be
good. Blessings and prayers to all of you :)