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Forum nameLouis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic subjectRE: Summer Reading lists?
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49, RE: Summer Reading lists?
Posted by Derek, Fri Jun-21-19 02:20 PM
Hello Dan,

I'm currently reading "The Greatest Generation" (I know, it came out nearly 20 years ago). Better late than never.

Sitting on my nightstand is Rudyard Kipling - Complete verse. This is a step outside my zone. I've never read poetry nd I'm starting here.

It's been far too long since I've read any LL at all. Like you I haven't read all of the Kilkenny novels and am leaning in that direction. I also want to read another Milo Talon Novel.

"In case of snakebite always
carry a small flagon of
whiskey, and furthermore
always carry a small snake."
W.C. Fields