459, RE: Do you have a favorite 'setting Posted by Tennessee Dave, Mon Mar-30-20 09:46 AM
Anywhere in the wilds. I just need a destination. I like to "be out there" but need a reason. I recall hitching to California when I was eighteen, it was scary at times traveling by myself but also, at times, it was some kind of wild adventure. But I remember thinking at the end when I got to Reno that I wouldn't try that again. It had it's ruff points. It would've been better had i more experience and a bit older. Most of the people I met were salt of the earth, but some, jeese others were pure Looney. Thank God I was as big as I was. It made people think rwice. I often thought about LL and his shoulders. I'll just bet at times be had to back somebody up. I had friends that did not make it to twenty. That hurt. Maybe my time visiting New Orleans was better. Who knows, now?!