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Forum nameLouis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic subjectWriters and writers
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289, Writers and writers
Posted by Tennessee Dave, Fri Nov-15-19 01:39 AM
I've read about several writers and the one thing I've found they have in common is that they all have lived interesting lives. Louis L'Amour certainly fits that bill.
It seems to be such a common denominator that I can't help but ponder the workings of their mindset. LL makes that easy since he shared so much of himself in his writings. I see so much of other writers in him that it makes me smile. But, you know, choosing such a really difficult profession, and he had to know that it was because of other writers difficulties, was actually very brave of him. And his tenacity astonishes me.
I know, we've all come to understand he had 'no quit' in him. So it is quite easy to put him in that great writers category. They were 'mostly' of a like mind.
And here we are, admirers and respectors of one of these great writers that is a contemporary of ours. He may not be considered a classical writer but I'll guarantee you his books will last through the ages.
Maybe he was a classical writer after all.😊