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Forum nameLouis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic subjectMagazines arrived
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185, Magazines arrived
Posted by Les Down Under, Thu Sep-05-19 02:34 AM
To celebrate the excellent outcome of my operation I did a little online shopping and the first parcel arrived in this morning’s post 
Popular western Feb 48 with an early Chick Bowdrie story
Saturday Evening Post with serialised The Burning Hills, I have a PDF of all the episodes but now I know what issues to search for to get originals.

American West 1986 Great article on LL with photos of the Colorado Ranch I disagree with the author in one statement he says the photo is of a smiling Louis with his handsome wife Kathy. She’s not handsome she is beautiful.

Check my FB to see photos.

Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in a swimming pool?
