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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Louis L'Amour Discussion Forum
Topic ID: 7531
Message ID: 1
#1, RE: I don't want to let go
Posted by Sackettter8 on 01-23-24 at 11:44 AM
In response to message #0
Very well said Bandit, your words are encouraging but well heeded as to what this generation has come too. I know we aren't supposed to talk politics, but this society needs to be respectful and mindful of things to come. Were a country afire from within and I too miss the forum of old. A few of the old timers have passed on and I remember all the discussions on Louis and his adventures, allowing us to ride along as he put pen and paper to another great tale of the west.