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Forum URL: https://www.louislamour.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Frequently Asked Questions About Louis L'Amour
Topic ID: 5
Message ID: 0
#0, Audio title not a Book title?
Posted by Paul J ODell on 09-07-05 at 10:45 PM
Many of the audio cassettes are audio adaptations of short stories NOT novels. We have linked each audio tape to the corresponding book in which the story was published. If you have an Audio Cassette and want to know what book it is in, go the the AUDIO CASSETTES (http://www.louislamour.com/audio/index.html) section of The Louis L'Amour Trading Post and browse for your title. Click the MORE INFO link next to your title and you will find a page describing the tape. Near the top of the page under the title you will see a picture of a book. Click the book and you will be taken to the book from which that Audio Cassette was taken.